Lewis Stevenson spoke to the media after Hibs' 3-0 win over Motherwell - his 600th and final appearance for the club at Easter Road. Here's everything he had to say...

So, was there no chance of you taking the penalty?

“(Laughs) Nah, I didn’t want to take it. Maybe if it was the last minute and we were still 3-0 up, I might’ve taken it. But we wanted to win the game and that was a good start to get."

It can't be an easy question to answer, but how did that feel tonight?

“The boys were saying it honestly felt like a movie with the fog! It felt really nice. I didn’t really know what to expect after the last 48 hours, it’s been pretty mental at the club. I was a bit worried it was just going to peter out to nothing, but the boys put on a performance – not just for us, for everyone, because we all needed it. The appreciation we got at the end, the support… thank you to the fans, they’ve been through everything with us, it was an emotional night."

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Those were some special scenes at the end...

“It was nice. There’s boys who have been here a while and that shows a glimpse of how special this club can be. Me and Paul spoke after the game and said: ‘Listen, that can galvanise people, galvanise the club.’ Hopefully, things start going in the right direction because if people get a glimpse of that slight bit of success at this club, it’s a special place to play football. The fans want something to cheer about, and if we can do that on the pitch it’s a special place to be."

Could those scenes be an eye-opener for the new guys?

“Totally. The last few years have been a rollercoaster and I feel really bad because there’s boys in that changing room that give everything for this club. The staff are unbelievable, on and off the field, they put everything into this club and things just haven’t clicked. We’ve been unlucky at times and made a lot of excuses, but it’s an amazing club and fanbase. Believe me, I do think it’s going in the right direction, it feels like a massive club, it’s just the performances on the pitch that aren’t quite getting there. I’m sure we’ll get it right at some point. Me and Paul might not be here, but we’ll be the biggest supporters and we want this club to do well."

Despite the recent struggles, is this still a great job for any manager?

“It’s an amazing job. I was speaking to someone and saying it’s tough because the fans expect a way of playing. In Scotland, the last 20 years the team that has finished third, it’s probably not been pretty football, it’s attritional and knowing how to win games, counter-attack. Sometimes you need to watch games and grind results out, because in this league it genuinely seems to be the way to get success. When you do that, you can build up. Dave knows this league really well. He’s played in it, managed in it a few times, and he’s got a decent record when he’s been manager. He put on a rousing, emotional speech today and the boys gave everything. We’ll see what happens."

What was Dave's speech like?

“It was nice. He spoke about me and Paul, and that’s probably the closest I was to tearing up! It was nice, he’s got that in his locker. He’s done it when he’s been manager before. It’s a mark of the man that he comes in and does such a professional job, he’s been chucked under the bus at times. It’s tough for him but I do wish him very well with whatever the club decides to do."

Would it be wrong to overlook him when considering a new manager?

“I don’t think they will do that. He’s shown it day in, day out. With all the managers he’s worked underneath, he’s probably learned things from every single one of them. I do think he’s going to be a manager if he keeps getting these small chances, but at some point someone has to give him a job somewhere. It’s only been one game this time, but I know he’s going to be a great manager."

The managers who have succeeded here recently all had experience of the Scottish game - is that a coincidence?

"The club does try different things and sometimes there’s an expectation here to try and play nice football, attacking free-flowing football. It’s hard in this league, at times. Generally, the team that finishes third is hard to beat, takes their chances, doesn’t make mistakes. There maybe needs to be a bit of give from the fans, as well, that if they want success then sometimes that’s what they need to expect."

Will it be weird going back into training as normal in the morning after a night like this?

“Aye, it’s a strange one. I’m just thankful Dave let me play tonight. To be fair, even with the old manager that was going to be the plan, so I appreciate there was a bit of sentiment still in football. Jordan is unbelievable and I hold my hands up to him. It’s a difficult place to play and he’s been one of the shining lights. I’ve no complaints and I totally understand the club’s position – I’m 36 and they need to move on at some point. I can probably say this now: I think with Paul it’s a big mistake. He’s shown the last few games how good he can be. A left centre-half is very hard to come by, and he’s still playing as well as he’s ever done. Anyone watching that game, any potential suitors, he’s going to be getting a few offers next season."

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Is he still a Premiership centre-back?

“100 per cent. Outside the Old Firm – and obviously he’s not going to go to Hearts – there’ll be plenty teams looking at him."

Could a fresh challenge put a spring in his step?

“He’s maybe playing with nothing to lose. But even the Aberdeen game there, we got beat 4-0 and I still think he was the best player on the pitch. Maybe I’m being biased – he’s my old pal and I’ve played a lot of games with him – but he’s still got a lot to offer, and I’m sure somebody’s going to get a good left centre-half, which are hard to come by."