Dylan Vente spoke to the media after helping Hibs to a 2-0 victory over Aberdeen on Sunday. Here's all the Hibees number nine had to say... 

How does it feel, getting your goal?

"Finally, after nine games I think! It was a nice feeling, a good feeling. I'm very happy with the goal and especially the win."

Did you think Martin Boyle was going to shoot?

"I don't know! At the moment I was thinking, 'pass the ball,' so I'm happy that he gave it to me. It was the perfect ball and an easy goal."

Were you worried you were offside?

"No, because he is quicker than me, so it wouldn't have been possible. [Laughs]. I don't know how close it was. Very close? It was a good run then!"

How important, psychologically speaking, was it for you to end your barren spell?

"It was an important goal for me but you know, I wasn't playing badly, it wasn't that I was missing good chances. I knew that the ball would come in the next few games but I had to wait quite a long time. I now play more as, not a number ten, but under the striker, so I'm not in as many positions. The last three games I had assists, and now I have the goal so that's how I stay positive."

Did the manager help keep you positive?

"He played a big role. He had confidence in me. That's been good and I'm happy that the goal was there."

Sometimes strikers score and then go on a run... can you do that after scoring against Aberdeen?

"Yeah, I hope so! Sometimes as a striker, when you score one goal they then come in every game. I hope that will happen with me. We're going into the Celtic match with a good feeling."

You've won three games in a row, how important is that to build momentum?

"Mentally, it is good for us. We all know that we were a bit lucky against Aberdeen; Marsh had some great saves. For us, it is good we've now won three in a row. We have to keep the feeling and the positivity going into the next game against Celtic."

What's it like in training trying to score against Marshall every day?

"[Laughs] Marsh is a good goalkeeper so it's hard to score. Sometimes me, sometimes him."

You've already taken a point off Celtic, at Easter Road...

"If you play at home you have the crowd behind you. It will be a tough game away to Celtic but we have to be ready and give 100 per cent and then we will see what happens. At home we played well against them; they had some chances but we had our moments as well. We need to take those moments from that game and hopefully we can find a way to get some points there."

If Marsh plays a blinder again...

"Yeah, if he plays like that again it will be good for us. He was brilliant against Aberdeen."