Josh Campbell, who scored on his first start under Nick Montgomery, spoke to the media after Wednesday night's 2-2 draw with St Mirren. Here's what he had to say...

Was that a game you should have won?

"Yes, definitely. I think it’s two points dropped for us."

Is it a mental issue rather than anything to do with talent?

"I think it’s just decision-making and knowing when to dribble the ball, when to pass it, what to do in certain areas. It’s about knowing when to clear your lines and get up the pitch. So, it is decision-making, that’s all it is."

What’s the mood in the dressing room because this is a recurring problem now?

"We feel we are playing well every week, but every week we are just a wee bit away from coming away with all three points. It’s a bit of a downer but there are big characters in that changing room, players who know how to win, so we believe it will be alright on Saturday."

Is it playing on your mind if you are all talking about it?

"I don’t think it’s playing on our minds, it is just down to decision-making and the simple basics of football, like clear your lines and other stuff like that."

On a personal note, how do you feel the game went for you?

"I think I did alright. I have just been biding my time, I have not been in the plans but the team has been doing well and playing with a new philosophy and maybe I don't fit into that at times.

"That’s fine but I have just been working away behind the scenes with the coaches and then the gaffer gave me this opportunity and I think I did alright."

What did he say when he told you he was giving you this chance?

"There are a few injuries, obviously, because I am not a natural out-and-out striker but I can drop into the little pockets. He just said I should be busy and get the team up the pitch. He wanted me to use my body and get goal scoring opportunities. And I did that."

You took your goal well, you could have had a second?

"Yeah, I thought I did. That’s me in between the green zone and the penalty spot and I feel I took my goal alright. The second chance, the 'keeper came out quickly. I didn't realise he was going to come out that quick. Maybe I should have hit it first time but I took the chance to try to go around him and he got a hand to it."

Is it about finding a way to offer something different if you don’t fit in?

"Football is a mental sport and you have got to find ways to get better at things. This is a different manager, who has a different philosophy, and he has different ideas so it is just a case of learning those ideas and taking it and adding it to your game."

Is it frustrating to find yourself on the sidelines?

"It can be frustrating but he is a good manager and he speaks really well. He has been great with me, telling me what I need to work on. We have been doing that in training and I showed that on Wednesday night, scoring one of the goals.

How does he get his message across? It is all on the training pitch or is it more than that?

"It is part of training, little one-to-ones, little conversations, and the drills that we do are sometimes based around an attacking midfielder playing as a striker and getting into the box. That goal was part of what we’ve worked on at the training ground."

How do you feel about playing striker more regularly?

"If I'm scoring goals, I don't mind it! If I'm scoring goals, I’m happy, and if I'm in the team, I’m happy."

Do you sense results are going to come?

"Oh, 100 per cent. Everyone was saying that in the changing room. We all feel that one day it will click and it will be really good from us."

So is someone going to be on the wrong end of a doing when it clicks?

"We feel,  as a team, that there is going to be a performance that has that wow factor and we are going to blow everyone away. I feel it is coming, yes."