Nick Montgomery spoke to the media following a 2-0 victory over St Johnstone in his first home match as Hibs boss. Here's everything he had to say... 

Was that the ideal first home game?

"A few more goals would have been nice! We had enough opportunities. But I'm really happy with the overall performance. We were a little bit nervy in the first half, the crowd at times wanted the boys to get forward at every opportunity but we showed good composure and created some very good chances.
"Second half we showed real composure in terms of our build-up and we created a lot of chances - I think it was 20 chances. If we do that every week, home and away, we'll score more goals. But the clean sheet was really important today as well.
"David Marshall had two saves from two shots, but one was a big save. He's an experienced goalkeeper and he's massively important to the club.
"I'm really happy for the boys - a well-deserved win and now we can focus on another big game on Wednesday night."

What did you make of Easter Road?
"It was amazing. The fans gave me a really good reception before the game and they created a really positive energy and got behind the team and that resulted in a lot of opportunities. We know the pace we've got up front, but we know that teams are going to come and work hard against us. But as the game got stretched we created a lot of counter-attacking chances."

How pleased were you with Rory Whittaker's debut?
"It could have been one of those moments for him - I think the roof would have lifted off Easter Road if he'd scored that chance. But I'm really happy for him, and it's just one of the many positives from the last couple of weeks.
"I think the young players at the club, and others in and around the area that might have other clubs to choose from as well as Hibs, will look at this moment and see that there is a real pathway into the first team for youngsters.
"Rory more than deserved his opportunity. I saw him play against Rangers last week in the under-18 league and was very impressed with him and then he trained with the first team this week and his attitude was spot on.
"He's a local boy, he's been in our academy for a long time, and there's no better feeling than giving a young lad like him his debut. But he more than deserved it. If he didn't deserve it, he wouldn't have got it.
"I thought he took the chance with both hands. He's not a winger; he's a full-back, but we've had a bit of a lack of wide players. I was going to put Lewis Miller further up the field but he was defending those diagonal balls to the back post really well so it was an opportunity to put Rory on and take a bit of pressure off him defensively. He worked his socks off and I'm really proud of him."

Was it nice to see Lewis Miller properly on the scoresheet this week?
"He did! He celebrated last week against Kilmarnock like he'd scored, which he hadn't! He's so powerful at defending and attacking.
"He's scored goals like that for me before, in Australia, but his overall play was very good. He still frustrates me at times but he's growing and there's no doubt he'll have a big career ahead of him because he has all the attributes to be a top-level full-back."

Dylan Vente scored again, how pleased are you with his form?
"Yeah, he's a top finisher but you look at Adam Le Fondre's assist, it was top class as well. His vision to see it, and the weight of the pass with the outside of the foot straight into Dylan's path. And once Dylan had the ball you knew he was going to score. 
"You look over his career and he has scored a lot of goals at different levels. I'm really happy for him. Now he has to continue it."

It must be good to have so many options in the final third?
"Yes, we've got lots of options there. I didn't really want to use Christian Doidge today, because I think he's getting the stitches in his cut out tonight, so that first aerial ball he challenged for, I was cringing. But he managed to get through it and after he gets the stitches out and has another couple of days he'll be fresh and ready to go for Wednesday night."

There's a real fluidity about the front four - is that something you work on?
"I always try to give the front players licence to do what they feel is best in the moment and interchange.
"I don't see it as two strikers and two wingers, it's like a front four. At times you saw Martin Boyle playing high, and Dylan and Alfie coming out wide, but defensively they have to be switched on straight away as well, and if it's a striker out wide then they might have to defend as a left midfielder until things switch again. 
"We try to give them licence to move around in the final third and I thought the unselfishness from Boyle at times - the cutback fro Élie Youan and the reverse pass for Rory - he could have had a couple of assists.
"But there's plenty more work to do defensively and in the final third but I'm really happy with the result and the clean sheet."