Top line summary:

  • Enjoying his football again after Hertha nightmare
  • Grateful to Montgomery for helping him rediscover his confidence
  • Appears not to have a future in Berlin but coy over his next move
  • Why juggling football with observing Ramadan is straightforward 

Are you motivated by proving those who doubted you wrong?

“I’m motivated just to play games and show my quality in every game. It’s easier to play well when the coach shows trust in you. That’s why I am really enjoying my football here. Hopefully, I continue to do that.”

Did it hurt not to be trusted [at Hertha]?

“Yes. It’s different because you have to fight every day in training to show you can do something for the team. But once the coach has trust in you then you are more free on the pitch and in your head. It’s just much better."

Did you lose confidence in yourself?

“In the past I had doubts sometimes. But I never lost my confidence because I know my quality and when I am on the pitch I try my hardest to play well.”

Have you had any contact with Hertha Berlin coaches?

“No there’s no contact. I’m just here and focused on what’s happening here. I have no contact with them. Maybe they look at my performances, maybe not. I don’t know. “

Is it disappointing not to have that contact?

“No, I am not disappointed because I am very happy here with my teammates, the fans and everybody here. I’m just concentrating on Hibernian.”

Did the Hertha coach explain why he dumped you?

“Yes, he said I wasn't doing well in training, not so well, that’s why he put me in the second team. For me it’s in the past. Now I’m focused on Hibernian.”

Was it disappointing to hear him say that?

“Yes, every time the coach says something bad to you it’s not easy. But my head now is good and I will work hard, I’m happy here.”

What has Nick Montgomery done for you?

“He gave me confidence. He talked with me the other week and we went through some video after a game to show what I can do better, what I did badly, and he helped me a lot.”

Are you now at your best?

“I can do more and more. I can play better than I did against Rangers. But I’m in good condition and I feel good in my head so I can show my qualities.”

You were thrown in right away when you came to Hibs... 

"When I came here I wasn’t really fit. I had been playing in the second team but it’s not the same intensity. Here it’s more physical and I needed some games to get back to my best condition. It’s different for me now, much better."

Can your friends and relatives see a difference in you?

"My family and friends say they can see I am enjoying my football, I’m happier, my body language is much better. They’re happy for me that they’re seeing me like this."

How are you finding life in Edinburgh?

"Very good, the people are very welcoming. I like the city and the fans."

Do you have international games this month?

"Yes, we [Comoros] play against Uganda and Angola, they are friendlies. They will be good games to play before I come back for Hibs."

Do you observe Ramadan?

"It’s not difficult for me because I have been doing it for a long time. I have been a professional for eight years and I’ve been doing it since I started at Lyon. It won’t be difficult for me to observe Ramadan, it’s natural for me."

Can you have water or is it nothing at all?

"Nothing at all. You just have to get up in the morning and prepare for the day, until the sun goes down. I have breakfast at 4am so for me it isn’t difficult. It’s important for me to have energy so I make sure I do it."

You don't feel a lack of energy as a result?

"Every time I’ve observed Ramadan I’ve felt good. Even when I did it at Nice I felt very good. I had some good games. So for me it’s not difficult. The only difficulty is not drinking water but it’s been fine for me."