Hibs director Kit Gordon has hailed the creation of a partnership between the Easter Road side and Bill Foley's Black Knight group as 'the right fit in so many ways'. 

Ron Gordon's widow, along with son Ian, took on the Peru-born businessman's interest in the club following his passing last February, and was present at a packed-out AGM as shareholders voted unanimously in favour of the Bournemouth owner's minority investment. 

READ MORE - Hibs shareholders vote to back Bill Foley investment

Speaking afterwards, she reiterated the importance of the Gordon family retaining full control of the club, despite the involvement of Foley's Black Knight multi-club structure. 

“I think that’s why this deal is the right fit for us in so many ways. We haven’t lost control, from the beginning. Shortly after Ron passed away people came knocking, and this was something that Ron would have gone after," she said. 

“So we follow his lead all along the way. Even though he’s not here, we know what he believed in. We know what he wanted for Hibs and this is going to be a very strong and positive partnership. Control was always very important to Ron, we haven’t lost that. We still have control.”

Since the untimely passing of the former executive chairman, both Kit and Ian have reiterated their commitment to continuing his legacy at the club, and again paid tribute to the club's fanbase for their love and support over the last 12 months and beyond. 

“I think the commitment has no end. This is something Ron was so passionate about, and we are here to continue his legacy," Kit continued. 

"Something that meant the world to him, something he dreamed of doing – and he couldn’t have landed at a better place, with fans who have been unbelievably supportive from the beginning. And after losing Ron, too, they’ve been unwavering in their support for us. We’re here to stay. We are totally committed."

Chief executive Ben Kensell insisted that the main aim behind the tie-up was to better Hibs as a club on and off the park, rather than becoming a pawn in a large network of clubs. 

"I think it’s game-changing for Hibs and groundbreaking for Scottish football. It gives us equity and cash to use, and I think it allows us to have a strategy that we believe can give us an edge in Scottish football," he explained. 

“Bill Foley has a multi-club network and we’re a small part of it. There are player network opportunities he sees great value in. The relationship we have specifically with Bournemouth, and the opportunity for the movement of players, allows him to get quite excited. We believe that gives us an edge. He believes that gives us an edge. But I make the point again that we’re not beholden to anything Black Knight want to do. It’s a partnership to make Hibs the best we can be."