It sounded an awful lot like goodbye, but if there's a crumb of comfort for Hibs fans to take from Myziane Maolida's departure, it's that he won't forget his brief spell in Leith any time soon.

On loan from Hertha Berlin since January, the Comoros internationalist has helped himself to 11 goals that have, at the very least, prevented an already poor season at Easter Road from getting any worse. Still only 24, Maolida's career path hasn't followed its expected trajectory since being linked with Barcelona and having £100m release clauses inserted into his Lyon contract.

A move to Hertha proved disastrous, and a fall-out with manager Pal Dardai saw him banished to the B team before being convinced to give the Scottish Premiership a try at the turn of the year. In the end, both parties did well from the arrangement; Hibs got to enjoy a classy player for a few months, and Maolida has placed himself firmly in the shop window for the summer, signing off with another goal in Sunday's 1-1 draw with Livingston to complete the league campaign.

But given it's Hibs who have helped him rediscover his form and feel for the game once more, is there any chance he might end up back in Edinburgh?

“I don’t know for the future, you’ll have to see with Ben [Kensell] and the new director [Malky Mackay]!" said Maolida. "It’s not for me to say something. I just tried my best here to help the team, show everybody I can play many games without injuries, and play with a good mentality. I’m happy.”

“If Hibs made me an offer? I don’t know. I want to play at the highest level I can. I will see what happens in the transfer market. If I have a good opportunity to move, for me it’s logical, I want to play at a high level.

“I have to see with Hertha what is happening. I think it’s clear that I want to leave Hertha, so I will see for the future. I haven’t had contact with Hertha but my agent has had contact with the sporting director.”

Even if there was a willingness on both sides to strike a deal, Maolida's wages would likely prove a significant stumbling block and, given the scale of the rebuild facing Hibs this summer, going all-in on one marquee signing may not be sensible or feasible. In any case, his return to form over these last few months will likely ensure no shortage of suitors for his signature when the transfer window opens next month.

But while his time with Hibs could prove to be all too brief for a fanbase crying out for a new hero, Maolida projected a sense of being genuinely grateful for the opportunity to rediscover his love for the game following a tumultuous spell in the German capital. From a dramatic debut goal at Kilmarnock, to a last-gasp winner at Easter Road against Dundee, Maolida was among a select few in green and white this season who managed to conjure up for supporters to savour.

READ MORE: David Gray on Myziane's Hibs future and Martin Boyle rumours

“It’s been a very good time for me. Everything was not perfect, but I’ve tried my best," said the forward. “We tried for the top six, but didn’t get there. We gave the maximum, but it was not enough. For me, I am happy because I helped the team with goals and assists. My mood has changed a lot. I was with the second team at Hertha Berlin, and I was very sad, it was bad in my head. These six months with Hibs have given me a lot for my career, for everything.

“I am grateful to the club and the coaches, Nick, all the staff and now Dave. I’ve played every game and tried to enjoy it, play my football with my qualities. I tried my best and I’m really happy to play for Hibs.

"I would like to say thank you to all the people at the club, they helped me a lot. I had a warm welcome from all the staff, players and fans. I want to say thank you because I felt very good here and enjoyed my football.”