• Fully focused on top-six battle and says last season can give players confidence that it is doable
  • Has struck up good rapport with Myziane in the final third; hopes to keep it going
  • Believes there is more to come from him in the remaining games

Élie Youan spoke to the media ahead of Hibs' cinch Premiership meeting with St Johnstone. Here's all he had to say...

Will winning the next two matches be enough?

"If you believe, everything is possible. We focus on the next game, no more calculating - just the next two games, and we’ll see after what is going to happen."

Are you frustrated you’re still battling just to be in the top six?

"You always want to be in a good place, not fighting until the last game and of course we want to be in better position but it is not done, we have two games and we know what we have to do: two wins."

Can you take confidence from making the top six last season?

"I think we have the resources to get in the top six; we were in the same place last season. I think this season it has been very close with points. We are still confident, if we give our best I think we can get into the top six easily."

Is it hard to imagine not being in the top six?

"Yeah, because I know what the team is capable of. I know our quality and lately I think we’ve found a good balance. I’m just thinking about the win and it does not matter what happens. We focus on us and the game."

Tell us about your connection with Myziane...

"What can I say? He is a good guy; we played a couple of games back in the days with the [France] under-18 national team. I think the connection is just natural, we don’t need to talk a lot on the pitch. I understand him well.

'We spend a lot of time together away from the pitch and we are on the same page to help the team. I think that’s why lately it has been pretty good between the two of us. It’s still not enough. I’m excited to show more again, even if we reach the top six."

Has playing alongside Myziane made you a better player?

"Yeah, with a player like Myziane I can show the best of me. I can play free; I know if I make a run he will understand what I will try to do. He always tries to reach me. I do it with every player but with him it’s more natural because we are from the same school. He has helped me a lot, like I do with him."

Does the manager let the two of you do your own thing in attack?

"The only thing the manager can say is defensive work, but offensively we are free. He says do your thing, just don't do silly things but try and let the magic happen.

"On the pitch it's easier when you've got a player who understands you, who wants to play with you and wants to help the team. It's very easy with Myziane."

Did you both play in the same positions in your younger days?

"Back in the day he was playing at the top, and I was on the right. Even in the national team... as I say, sometimes you don't need to talk. I don't have the right words to explain, but it's just like, he loves the ball and I love the ball, so it's just more easy."

When did you first play together?

"It was under-18s, we played against Italy - it was a long, long time ago. I always found him a very good player, and back in the day he was more technical than me. I think I've improved myself and we took different roads, but now we are on the same team. I'm very happy to have him here."

Have you always been in touch since then?

"To be honest, we weren't that close back in the day but you know, sometimes I would have a look at the team-mates. We have a lot of friends in common. Before coming here he texted me, 'How are you doing bro, tell me about Hibs' which I did and he came. I think everybody is happy to have him around here."

Are you close off the pitch?

"We hang out together. We love to stay on the pitch after hours to do extra work, and to make our relationship on the pitch better for helping the team."

Do you think he might stay at Hibs?

"I think that's Myziane's choice. I cannot talk instead of him. I think he's happy, actually. He wasn't in a good place a couple of months ago and now he's started enjoying playing football again. I think the most important thing is to reach the top six and we'll see what happens after that."

Surely you're trying to persuade him to stay?!

[Laughing] "The only thing I can do to persuade him is to give him assists to score. That's the only thing I can do!"