Top line summary

  • 'No way it's a penalty in my opinion'
  • Feels Hibs deserved the three points
  • Doesn't condone objects being thrown on the pitch
  • Important to continue building momentum this weekend

Nick Montgomery spoke to the media after Hibs' 1-1 draw in the Edinburgh derby. Here's everything the manager had to say...

Is getting a good point here a sign of the team's progression?

“It’s a sign of the team I have assembled with some help in the window. The momentum has been building in the last couple of weeks. I thought we were brilliant tonight, I thought we deserved all three points. They’ve cleared four off the line, I think we had enough chances to win two games. I feel sorry for the fans and the players, we didn’t deserve that. We had great chances but we shouldn’t have needed them. We deserved a clean sheet. Sometimes you need a little bit of luck. But I am proud of the boys effort."

Steven Naismith said objects being thrown on the pitch could ruin the game for everyone...

“I don’t condone it, Steven doesn’t condone it. Neither do the clubs. Unfortunately there were a few things. Emi Marcondes had it in the first half as well when we had serious pressure on them. But I don’t want to talk about it tonight.”

When Kevin Clancy goes to the monitor, were you expecting the penalty to be overturned?

"Everyone is expecting that. I don't want to be talking about VAR again but you've asked me the question so I'll answer it. The VAR is there to call the referee over so he doesn't make a mistake. And when he called him over, I looked it at on the monitor and my opinion is no way it's a penalty - and I don't think anybody else probably thought it was. And then, lo and behold, he's got a clear view of it, he can slow it down, he can watch it ... yeah, he gives a penalty. I'm just really disappointed that we don't take three points. It cost us two points. Maybe we'll get another apology this week like we did after Aberdeen. Maybe we won't. But at the end of the day, what we won't get back is any points. We have to cop it on the chin. We have to hope that, and trust that, moving forward maybe we get some calls that have gone against us this season. But again, I don't want to be talking about that. I want to be talking about how well we played tonight. We deserved three points - and I don't think anyone can deny that. It seems week in, week out at the minute there have been decisions that have been out of our control. What is in our control is putting the ball in the back of the net. We didn't take the opportunities we had. I think they'll be happy with a point."

What did you make of Emiliano's performance?

“Emi is a top-class player, he scored his goal and had another one cleared off the line in the first half. For someone who has not played for eight months, to speak to him and convince him to come here, to buy into what we’re doing, we can see the fans love him, the players love him – and he’s just a top, top player. He’s getting fitter every week in training and in games.

READ MORE: Hibs instant analysis - Chances to win it, huge penalty controversy

"He took a bit of knock in his first game at Kilmarnock, that set him back a bit. But you saw again tonight the quality that he brings. He’s also a guy who brings a calmness to the team. He really links up well with the front players. He’s been fantastic for us."

Did Nathan Moriah-Welsh pick up an injury, or had he just run himself into the ground?

“Nathan just ran himself into the ground, and then he got a kick on his ankle at the end. He’s another player who came in during the window and settled really well. I think he covered every blade of grass at Tynecastle, won so many second balls. He was outstanding. I thought every player was outstanding tonight, the guys on the bench as well. And the fans were great for us. I’m really proud of the boys’ effort. We’ll be disappointed leaving here tonight, not to have taken three points. But that’s football. All we can do now is prepare for another home game at the weekend. Hopefully the fans come out in force and really get behind us for this last push, because I think they can see we’ve been building some good momentum in the last couple of weeks. The new guys are settling in and, since we got the boys back from international duty, I think you can see a proper team.”