Top line summary

  • Asian Cup exit 'heartbreaking'
  • Avoided social media after Australia's exit
  • Relishing having competition with Cadden at right-back
  • Happy that Boyle has returned to right wing berth

Lewis Miller spoke to the media ahead of Hibs' meeting with Dundee at Easter Road on Saturday. Here's everything the defender had to say...

How was your Asian Cup experience?

"It was a great experience, it was unfortunate the way it turned out but it was a great learning curve and it will make me develop as a player. Really heartbreaking but what can you do. You have to go through adversity if you want to thrive. It’s a pretty big step in my career, not necessarily a positive but I think I’ll develop from here on out."

Did you have to avoid social media after the last game?

"I just switched off for a bit and that’s what you need to do. But I’m really focused on Hibs right now and all I want to do is get the wins and move up in the table."

What do you learn from being involved in a major tournament?

"A lot of the boys are experienced, been across the world and know the way it works. Maty Ryan had a big leadership role in the Socceroos and he was a leader, it was really easy to adapt to that kind of environment. It was a very professional environment and the quality and everything to do with punctuality, etc, etc - it’s just full on and that’s where I want to be.

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"I was happy to be in that set-up and want to do more in future. It was an unbelievable experience, the crowds, the quality of football, the intensity - as a footballer that’s your dream. You want to be playing on the highest stage against the best players and hopefully more to come."

What's it like being in that tournament bubble compared to day-to-day domestically?

"It creates a brotherhood, I think that’s the main thing I took away from that. When you’re alone with these players for so long, you become close friends and brothers, to a point. You have the same goal, you want to achieve the highest you possibly can and you’re all on the same page. When you have those similar ideas as a team, especially with the Socceroos we wanted to go all the way but it didn’t work out like that."

You must be eager for another crack at it given the way things ended?

"Of course, I played a few games over there but probably didn’t play as much as I wanted to, but this is my home now. The boys in that changing room, they struck by me and were very supportive and I want to repay them, the club and do it for myself as well."

Were you rooming with Martin Boyle?

"I actually had my own room over there. We were living in luxury over there, I tell you! It was a lot easier to sleep without him in the room."

Is it possible to recreate that Socceroos team spirit here?

"We've had a few new players come into the changing room and most of them have adapted really, really well. We're going to unite over time. I think we just need a little bit more time. Since we've come back from the break in January, I think our performances have been quite good. We could have got a few more points here and there but with the way we're playing, I think we're on the right path."

Is it good to now have competition with Chris Cadden down the right?

"I think it's good for both of us. He was unbelievable when he was playing there last season. He was playing last season and was very unfortunate with what happened against Hearts.  He was one of the senior players and he guided me and helped me out when I wasn't playing as much. I'm very glad that he's back and he gives us more strength as a squad. He adds that competition and it's going to make both of us thrive."

How big a game is this against Dundee?

"We know what we have to do. We can't get too hung up about placings at the moment, we just have to go out there every week and post win, win, win. We haven't had many wins recently, so the main goal is to go out there and get the W."

You've come back to a lot of new faces in the building...

"It was a completely different changing room when I walked back in. I was going around like, 'Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?' They're all great lads and a lot of them come from big teams. Obviously they've had success where they've been, which is why they're here.

READ MORE: How can Hibs get the best out of midfielder Dylan Levitt?

"This is a big, successful club and they're going to bring that extra spark to the team that I think we need. You've seen in previous games, when they've come on as a sub or started they're bringing a bit of life and energy to the team which is perfect at the moment."

Martin was playing as a striker before New Year, are you happy to have him back on the wing?

"I love playing on Boyler's side. I don't have to attack too much, I can just sit back and let him do everything! He's been at right wing pretty much his whole career. He loves it out there and he took on the role of being the striker for a period of time.  I think he's pretty happy he's back out on the wing. Every time he gets the ball he gets surrounded by players. They know the threat he is and he can create an attacking action at any given point. That frees me up to overlap or run underneath him inside. It's great to have that connection together on the right side."