Top line summary

  • Felt great to be back on the bench after so long.
  • Impressed with Scottish football and quality in the Hibs squad
  • Feels he should have scored after coming on.
  • Being out of football means you become 'cold pasta' that needs heating up.

Emiliano Marcondes spoke to the media after Hibs' 3-0 defeat to Rangers. Here's everything he had to say...

Thoughts on your first taste of Scottish football?

"It was a great atmosphere and coming off the bench was good. By then we were 2-0 behind but I felt that we had a few chances to come back into it and that would have changed the game. But, we didn't take our chances. I felt great, personally and Scottish football is a high level, high tempo, and there is some good quality.

Did you feel pressure on you after the manager talked you up?

"There is always pressure on footballers and I like that. I like to feel the pressure and play big matches and that's why I loved it on Wednesday, playing against a great side like Rangers. I am very happy to be here and to bring my skills to the game and the team, and my personality as well.

"I had just Wednesday and the training the day before - just two days - so it is still early for me to say what my role will be and how I can benefit the squad, and make the most of all the skills we have because we have quality in this squad. I saw that on Wednesday, sitting on the bench. I feel like we are in a building phase, with new players coming in and others coming back from injury or back from internationals. So, I feel that we will see progress through the next games and I also have to remember and others have to remember that I have been out injured for a long time.

"I just have to get some minutes in at the beginning and build momentum and not be too excited to be back and try to play at 100kph for 90 minutes. I feel very, very good and I feel like I can play already. It is just about me having a bit of patience and not try to go all out at the beginning and trust the process, for the team and for me personally.

You had the chance to make a scoring start...

"Especially when we were 2-0 down, I had a good chance and went past the first defender. Maybe I should have been a bit more composed, but I feel like because it was my first game back I was maybe a bit stressed in that situation. I think when I look back at it I maybe should have gone quicker or been more composed.

READ MORE: Nick Montgomery Q&A as Hibs boss speaks on Rangers loss, new signings and recent form

"I’m sure it will come. We also had another chance before that, if we had scored one of these two chances then I think we could have got back in the game, and got the crowd going. It was lovely to see so many of our fans and it was unfortunate that we didn’t get the momentum to get the crowd going.

What have the last few months been like for you as you were on the road to recovery?

It has been difficult. It is a weird moment for a football player when you are injured and coming back and the transfer window is open. It is not often that we, as footballers, really talk about it. But it is a situation when you doubt your future. I have half a year left at Bournemouth. But for me, it was important to have focus in every training session, and to make sure I was 100% fit first, and not think too much about the future and my situation but that is easier said than done. I have had a great team around me at Bournemouth to help get me 100% fit and get me back in training. I felt very strong in the end. Coming back and playing, I don’t feel like I have been injured for seven months so that is a great feeling.

What are you hoping to get out of this loan spell?

Obviously to play and some good football as well. I want to have an important role with a great team that plays some good football. My agent actually said that as a footballer, when you haven't played for a long period, you are like a cold pasta dish. So, no-one wants you and you are not very interesting to eat when you haven't been playing and have been injured. When you are in that situation you have to put yourself in the oven and warm yourself up and that’s how I feel right now. I have to put myself in the oven and make myself edible again and make sure I’m wanted again. That is the picture I like to put in my head. I want to make sure I am a nice pasta dish that people want again.

What's your favourite type of pasta, then?

(Laughs) I think it is tortellini!