The Hibs winger spoke to the media after Tuesday's 2-2 draw with Motherwell at Easter Road. Here's everything he had to say...

Your thoughts on the game?

"I feel good, but the result is frustrating. I think we deserved more, but for starting the New Year it is a good strong point.

Are you playing some of the best football of your career just now?

"I'm not too far away, but I think I'm still improving. I'm on the right road. The gaffer helps me every day to play my best football.

The manager has said he feels consistency is the key thing for you...

"He's right. It's a big factor to play at the highest level. It's my next step and I'm a hard worker so I am not worried about it. I know my strengths. I try to give the best version of myself.

Were you close to coming off with an injury?

"Oh yeah, so bad, so bad. Actually, I'm struggling right now. I got kicked in the first half, just before the goal. But the gaffer told me 'we need you, you have to stay on the pitch'. I was saying it is sore but he said I need to stay on the pitch. Finally I scored so it was just mental, I think, all in the mind. I was just thinking about helping the team, just one game more before going on holiday.

Does fighting back to get the equaliser show the spirit in the squad, especially with players missing?

"The spirit was top today. Everybody stuck together on the pitch, no matter what. We are just looking forward to the next part of the season to improve and to show we can compete for the top of the league. The break comes at a good time. We were missing some players. Today we were really together. We wanted to show that the team is 22 players. We are going to the holidays with one strong point.

How was good was it to see Harry McKirdy back on the pitch?

"It was good but I think it is more special for him. He's been through a lot lately. He's been working hard to come back. I'm happy for him. To be honest, I can't imagine what he has been through. I think he is a warrior.

READ MORE: Every word from Nick Montgomery Hibs Q&A after Motherwell draw

"He loves football. When you get through something like this, you have to have the love of football to stay focused on what you do. He is back and I think it is mental, he is a very strong guy. A good guy as well, I'm really happy for him,

Did he get a good reception in the dressing room?

"Before and after. The gaffer had some words for him and we were happy for him, even when he came on the pitch the crowd was really kind to him, which is good. I think now he knows everybody is behind him. That gives him the motivation to improve and play for the team."