It's impossible to tell Lewis Stevenson's Hibs story in a single sitting.

In fact, if you tried to cram his 599 appearances into this week's 11 minute 28 second press conference, it would give you about 1.15 seconds to discuss them all. In his own time and own way, the 37-year-old will, maybe, one day recount it all from start to finish. However, speaking for the first time since announcing his 19-year career at Hibs was coming to an end, he provided a brief snapshot of everything people have come to know about the left-back: laid-back, thoughtful, witty, and more than a wee bit self-deprecating.

"If I ever come back and play against Hibs, at least nobody needs to worry about me scoring and celebrating against them," he says of his impending exit.

Asked if he'd taken a moment yet to envisage what his final outing at Easter Road might be like, he replies: "I didn't think it would be a Wednesday night."

After referring to how he and the also-departing Paul Hanlon are always mentioned in the same breath yet are quite different, he's implored to elaborate.

"He's bigger than me," says Stevenson, without missing a beat. 

Amid the occasional quip, though, he gives the impression of a man still processing the fact that this chapter of his life is coming to a close. After all, it's been his life since he was 14, since being spotted by Hibs just up the road in Kirkcaldy. However, if there are still bits and pieces of it not quite making sense in his mind, he is sure about one thing.

"I feel fine. It's a good time for me and the club," says Stevenson. "It's been coming for a while now. The last three years I've probably been preparing myself for this moment. We've known in-house for a while this was happening this season and for it to be released now, it's news to others but I've known for a while. I'm sure I'll be emotional when my final game comes and I'm happy with everything I've achieved here. It's been a massive part of my football career but also a massive part of my life as well. I'd like to thank everyone for all their support over the years."

If Stevenson appears against Aberdeen on Sunday - and he surely will - it will be his 600th appearance in a Hibs shirt. It will permit him entry to a club occupied only by Gordon Smith, Arthur Duncan, and Pat Stanton. Turning up for the first time as a teenager all those years ago, Stevenson could scarcely have imagined it would turn out like this.

"When people started saying I was getting close to 600, I didn't ever think I'd get there," he says. "I know I'm not there yet, but with three games to go I'm hoping I'll make that mark. I never talk about milestones, but I think that one would be some achievement. I was actually the same when I got to 500. Jack Ross was in charge and I wasn't actually playing that often. I went through a period of not playing and to get to 500, I thought that was going to be me. To get another 100 appearances after that has been a huge surprise to me. Thankfully my body has held up alright and physically I still feel very capable." 

That suggests there's no thoughts of retirement just yet?

"I still feel pretty good, like I can play for a bit longer yet," Stevenson says. "Most of the folk I've spoken to have said to keep playing as long as you possibly can. You can end up regretting it once you retire, if you go too soon. Until I'm dragged off the pitch by someone telling me it's time to go and hang up the boots, then I'll keep trying to play on."

To ensure there's no break with tradition, we can't discuss Stevenson leaving with also touching on Hanlon, who himself is likely to hit 565 appearances by this time next week. Their Hibs careers have run parallel for so many years, so it's only fitting - if a bit too heartwrenching for fans - that they call it a day at the same time, too.

READ MORE: Every word from Lewis Stevenson on emotional Hibs exit

“It’s funny these things happening at the same time," says Stevenson. "I’ve only really known Hibs with Paul. I was in maybe a year full-time before him, but since I’ve been around the first team Paul’s always been here. It’s been nice, and even being two years younger than me he’s only about 30 appearances behind which shows how consistent he’s been over the years. We’re two different people with two different styles of play, it’s been a bit of a freak thing for a club to have two people here for so long who then both leave at the same time! It’s pretty mad.”

And, finally, perhaps the most pertinent question, is this goodbye forever, or might Stevenson be back at Easter Road in some other capacity some way along the road?

Hopefully, I'll be back as a supporter or in a role somewhere in the academy or something down the line," Stevenson says. "We'll see what happens. We both said we don’t want to completely cut ties, the club don’t want to cut ties and we want it to be as amicable as possible. There’s been no fallouts or anything like that. I’m sure there’ll be conversations at some point, but my short-term future lies elsewhere. I’m looking forward to the challenge ahead.”